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Where To Next?


I'm in the process of finalizing my last two classes.  There is a light that's starting to grow at the end of the tunnel.  It's going to be an intense spring and summer as I work to finish off ETAD 898 (hoping the proposal is approved in the next couple of weeks) and then ECUR 805. 


And then it's like my daughter used to say
"Once upon and time and again"
because finishing of one chapter is really just the beginning of the next.


Maybe I'll try blogging.... although it seems every time I sit down to write I'm not sure what to say, but give me a discussion post and I can't stop writing :-)


It reminds me of the ruins we toured in Tulum, Mexico.... what will remain of our story in the years to come.  How will the internet affect the legacy we leave behind? What stories will people tell about what's left of our time based on the artifacts of learning we leave?


What's our Story?


Because what you do today, changes your story tomorrow?

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